Friday, 1 February 2008

Hypoallergenic pets?

In a BIO video that we featured recently on, Dr Barbara Glenn, the Director of BIO's Animal Biotechnology Department, talks about the possibility of one day creating "hypoallergenic animals" for pet.

Before we say "Frankenstein", let's think about it. Before the advent of GM technology, we bred companion animals and food-producing animals to get pedigree stocks. OK, the techniques weren't GM, but my point is we tried to control the way these animals turn out so they suit our needs and lifestyle. We wanted thoroughbred horses, cats, dogs - we didn't want mongrels. We wanted the best meat, the best dairy produce, the best eggs, the best leather. We still want the same things, but in a bigger quantity because there are more of us today, and if we can get away with it, "bespoke", so they fit into our lives. Tall order.

If they can come up with cats that don't shed hair or smell as much, I might consider having one again in the flat. Bizarre? Try having a cat in Central London.

By the way, check out this website. Pet to order, only $7,900 a pop.

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