Thursday, 12 June 2008

No chicken feed

This could save lives

Who would have thought this day would come? Online health news website HealthNewsDigest reported that scientists at Ohio State University's Comprehensive Cancer Center are now working on turning chickens into a cancer-fighting food.

It works like this: you feed the chickens with a type of feed that contains gossypol, a natural substance found in cotton, and then you feed the chickens or their eggs to humans.

We find that hugely interesting because gossypol was used to keep the population under control in China. It was discovered that cottonseed oil used for cooking actually make a reasonable, if not 100% reliable, male contraception. A website dedicated to male contraceptives claimed that "researchers found that men taking a daily gossypol pill had reliable contraception and no complaints about change in libido".

Will gossypol-fed chickens also be a food for male contraception one day? Who knows, but this latest news certainly proves that chicken is no longer to the boring and ordinary meat we took it to be. This should expand the portfolio of cancer-fighting foods to include not just greens, fruits and teas – the usual vegetarian fare – but also white meat as well.

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